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Official Nebraska Veterans' Affairs Seal

Nebraska Department of Veterans' Affairs

Nebraska Veterans Cemetery at Alliance

Nebraska Veterans Cemetery at Alliance Memorial Day 2018

Hours of Operation

  • The cemetery is open for visitation of graves from dawn to dusk 7 days a week.
  • The Administration building is open Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm MST. Employees are available during this time to schedule and conduct interments. Interments are not scheduled on weekends or major National and State Holidays.


The Cemetery is located 3 miles Southeast of Alliance NE on CR 57 (1/4 mile from the Alliance Municipal Airport)

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Burial Information

If you are interested in checking your eligibility for interment at NVCA, please complete and submit an Eligibility Determination Request Form.

To schedule an interment, a Request for Interment Form will need to be completed and submitted to NVCA for consideration.

Virtual Tour




Click Here to View a Guided Tour of the Cemetery


In the spring of 1942, the US Army selected 31,489 acres of land outside of Alliance to build an air field. The dry climate and open landscape provided ideal flying conditions. An ample supply of water and affordable land, as well as Alliance’s new power plant, new hospital, and railroad division point were other attractions. By July, four 9,000-foot runways had been completed.

The primary mission of the air field was to train aircrews of C-47 and C-53 transports and CG-4 gliders, along with airborne troops they would carry into battle. The field contained around 775 buildings and housed 12,500 military personnel at its peak in September 1943. The 411th Base Headquarters Squadron, 403rd and 434th Troop Carrier Groups, 326th Glider Infantry, 507th Parachute Infantry, and 878th Airborne Engineers trained here before deployment to the European Theater. Many of the troops who trained on this land participated in the invasion of Normandy on D-Day.

Veteran troops arrived in June 1945 to train for the expected invasion of Japan. Due to the surrender of the Japanese, the invasion never occurred. The Army Air Field was declared surplus in December 1945. Part of the field was transferred to Alliance for use as an airport.

Sixty-three years later, the City of Alliance donated twenty acres, which had once been used as a troop training field, to the Nebraska Department of Veterans’ Affairs. With funds raised by the local community and startup appropriations from the State of Nebraska, the request for a State Veterans Cemetery was approved. The US Department of Veterans Affairs provided the remaining amount of funds to construct and equip the cemetery.

Ground was broken in October of 2008 to begin construction of Nebraska’s first State Veterans Cemetery. The Cemetery was dedicated and presented to the public on August 13, 2010. The first interment was held January 21, 2011.

Meaning of the NVCA Logo

United in Memeory - NVCA logo

The Eternal Flame symbolizes that Nebraskan's will never forget the sacrifices made by it's veterans and military family members.

The folded burial flag is positioned as an origin of the eternal flame. This represents that the sacrifice of Nebraska Veterans will always be remembered. In addition, the flag is positioned in the same way the Military Honors Team holds the flag during Military Honors ceremonies; it is close to the heart. In this case, the heart of Nebraska, as if to say, "This flag is presented on behalf of a grateful nation and the State of Nebraska as a token of appreciation for your loved one's honorable and faithful service."

The motto "United in Memory" expresses that Nebraska recognizes the contributions of all veterans. As well, their final resting place unites veterans of all generations.

The State of Nebraska has a white background to symbolize the honor owed to all veterans that have served our nation.

The State of Nebraska is outlined in red to represent the blood shed by Nebraska Veterans to protect our nation's freedom.

The stars of the folded burial flag represent the 5 branches of the U.S. Military, which are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. The 6th star is to honor the families who have lost loved ones to war.

Services Provided

There are no fees for any services provided at NVCA.

Determination of Eligibility for Interment
Applications are available to confirm eligibility for interment of veterans and dependents.

Pre-Interment Planning
An employee is available to discuss interment and memorial headstone options for veterans and their eligible dependents.

Committal Services
Grave-side services at the cemetery are all held in our Committal Shelter. This permanent structure is made of natural stone, has a concrete foundation, and a wood and metal roof. The shelter has electricity, a sound system, microphone jacks, a podium, and covered folding chairs. We also have a table for the displaying of an urn, photos, and flowers during the committal service. We will coordinate with funeral homes and family representatives to accommodate each family's needs as best we can.

Full time employees excavate and close all graves at the cemetery.
A memorial garden for the spreading of cremated remains for those families that do not wish to have a permanent grave for their loved one.
3'x8' graves are available for casket remains. Concrete crypts are pre-installed and allow the veteran and spouse to be buried in the same grave.
5'x10' graves are available for over-sized casket remains. Crypts in this section are not pre-installed and must be provided by the family, through their funeral home.
5'x5' graves are available for cremated remains. Other than fitting within the size of the grave, there are no restrictions on what type of container a family can provide to have cremated remains interred.

An upright marble headstone is provided for each grave. Employees at the cemetery are available to discuss options for inscriptions.

Memorial Headstones
An upright marble headstone and 5'x5' grave may be provided for service members buried at sea or killed in action and whose remains were never recovered.

Memorial Shadow Boxes
A family may display photos or personal items in our lobby shadow boxes to honor the service of their veteran family member that has been interred at the cemetery.

We will coordinate with families that are interested in having remains transferred from another cemetery to the Nebraska Veterans Cemetery at Alliance.

Perpetual Care
This permanent veterans state cemetery has capacity for over 8,000 interments. The State of Nebraska is committed to provide perpetual care, at the highest Shrine Standards, to honor our veterans and their dependents.

Memorial Garden
The memorial garden is available for families to sit and reflect. This area will continue to be developed so that visitors will have a quiet place to meet and rest.

Eligibility Determination Request

This form is provided to help you and your family with the difficult decisions associated with choosing a final resting place. We will gladly keep your last wishes on file at the cemetery so your family members know your preferences for military honors, what you would like put on your headstone, etc.

Family situations and individual wishes change over time; submission of this request does not obligate the veteran or family to have interment services at the Nebraska Veterans Cemetery at Alliance.

Once your request and eligibility documents have been reviewed, you will receive a notice by mail, informing you of your current eligibility status for interments at the Nebraska Veterans Cemetery at Alliance.

Eligibility for interment is based on laws passed by Congress and incorporated into the United States Code at Title 38, Veterans Benefits - Sections 112, 2306, 2402, and 2411. These laws may change over time.

A cemetery representative will gladly provide assistance with questions you have about this form, eligibility, or cemetery services.

The Eligibility Determination Form is in pdf format; you can print for completion or fill in on the computer for print or electronic submission. Once completed, submit the form AND appropriate documentation by mail, in person to the Veterans Cemetery Administration Building, or by email to

Please submit the following documentation with the Eligibility Determination Form

  • copy of the veteran's discharge papers/DD Form 214
  • copy of a marriage license for the spouse

Request for Interment

This form and the documents you provide will be used to confirm the interment eligibility status for the decedent.

Submission of this request does not obligate the veteran or family to have interment services at the Nebraska Veterans Cemetery at Alliance.

After receiving this form and the related eligibility documentation, cemetery staff will confirm the interment eligibility status within 48 hours. The interment will be scheduled within 72 hours unless the decedent's next-of-kin makes a request for services to be delayed beyond that time period.

Please make an appointment with a Veterans Cemetery Representative to discuss the type of interment and committal service you want for your loved ones. All services and activities at the veterans cemetery are coordinated with the next-of-kin and do not happen automatically.

Eligibility for interment is based on laws passed by Congress and incorporated into the United States Code at Title 38, Veterans Benefits - Sections 112, 2306, 2402, and 2411. These laws may change over time.

A cemetery representative will gladly provide assistance with questions you have about this form, eligibility, or cemetery services.

The Request for Interment Form is in pdf format; you can print for completion or fill in on the computer for print or electronic submission. Once completed, submit the form AND appropriate documentation by mail, in person to the Veterans Cemetery Administration Building, or by email to

Please submit the following documentation with the Request for Interment Form

  • copy of the veteran's discharge papers/DD Form 214
  • copy of a marriage license if the spouse is the decedent

Headstone Inscription Request

Nebraska Veterans Cemetery at Alliance uses the government issued upright marble headstone on casket and cremation graves. It is 24-26 inches tall above ground, 13 inches wide, 4 inches thick and weighs approximately 230 pounds. Variations may occur in stone color and the marble may contain light to moderate veining. This is the same style of headstone that is used at Arlington National Cemetery.


How To Complete The Form

A MAXIMUM Of 11 lines are available for inscription. Lines 1-4 have a MAXIMUM length of 13 characters; lines 5-11 have a MAXIMUM length of 15 characters. When completing the request, do not write outside of the boxes.

Please provide the following information in order: (Items In Bold Are Mandatory)

  • Emblem of Belief
    Enter the corresponding 2-digit number on Emblem of Belief line. See a list of Authorized Emblems of Belief.
  • Legal Name (First Name, Middle Name or Initial, Last Name)
    Nicknames are not permitted on these lines. Maiden names are allowed if space is available.
  • Rank (DO NOT use pay grade)
    Use the rank as listed on the DD Form 214 or Discharge papers (i.e. CPL, A1C, SSGT, etc.)
  • Branch (i.e. US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, etc.)
  • War Period
    Allowed if the veteran was active duty during the war period. The war can be listed even if the individual never served in combat.
  • Date of Birth
  • Date of Death
  • Medals (Documentation must be provided)
    See the  Authorized Awards document for medals that are allowed to be inscribed on the headstone.
  • Term of Endearment
    You may use one of the examples listed on our Terms of Endearment page; you may also request words or phrases that have special meaning to your family or the decedent. This is the place to include a nickname or list a unit, ship, or specific designation if desired.

A cemetery representative will gladly provide assistance with questions you have about this form, eligibility, or cemetery services.


Examples of Completed Forms

Click on an image to enlarge it

Complete form example 1 - Veteran Completed form example 2 - Spouse or Dependent



How To Apply

The Headstone Inscription Request form is in pdf format; you can print for completion or fill in on the computer for print or electronic submission. Once completed, submit the form and appropriate documentation by mail or in person to the Veterans Cemetery Administration Building.

Grounds and Floral Policy

Please do not approach services being held at the Committal Shelter unless you are a family member of the deceased or an invited guest of the family.

No parking on the grass.

Pets are not allowed on cemetery property.

Service Animals
Animals that are registered, certified, or trained as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are welcome.

Fresh Cut Flowers
Allowed on graves throughout the year. Temporary containers are provided by the cemetery for your convenience.

Artificial Flowers
Allowed on graves as early as 7 days before and up to 7 days after the following nationally recognized holidays - Memorial Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Easter, and Christmas.

Interment Flowers
Allowed on graves the day of interment and up to 7 days after.

Holiday Blankets and Christmas Wreaths
Allowed on graves from December 10th through December 31st.

The United States flag is allowed on graves any day of the year. The flag cannot be attached to the headstone and they must be lower in height than the grave headstone. Cemetery staff will remove flags that have become weathered or faded.

Unauthorized Decorations
At no time can there be a display on the graves of glass, breakable items, permanent plantings, balloons, vigil lights, streamers, hanging ornaments, personal belongings, photos, shepherds hooks, hanging baskets, or other items that detract from the uniformity and military aesthetics of a veteran's cemetery.

Unauthorized Planting or Digging
At no time can there be planting of any item or the burial of any item on cemetery grounds without written consent from the Cemetery Administrator.

Unauthorized Use of Headstone
At no time can any item be affixed, attached, glued, taped, tied, or connected by any other means to a headstone, tree, shrub, plant, or any other structure on the cemetery property. Altering of headstones in any way is prohibited.

Offensive Displays
At no time can there be the display of any item that may be interpreted as offensive, in poor taste, insensitive, degrading, insulting, or demeaning of the intent of the dignified setting of a veteran's cemetery and national shrine.

Removal of Displays
Cemetery staff will dispose of all memorial items remaining on graves after the holiday or a reasonable time period as determined by the Administration.