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Nebraska Department of Veterans' Affairs

Memorial Day

Nebraska's Memorial Day Observance 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the limits it placed on in-person events, the Nebraska Department of Veterans' Affairs hosted a special virtual Memorial Day event for 2020. It was Nebraska's largest Memorial Day observance with the fewest people present in the room. 

The event started with a candle being lit by Gold Star Mother Monica Alexander at 8:00 a.m., and it remained lit until 8:00 p.m. when it was extinguished by Gold Star Father Mel Alexander. Their son, Army Corporal Matthew Alexander of Gretna, was killed May 6, 2007, when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle in Baqubah Iraq. He can be found on our Nebraska's Fallen memorial page.

Throughout the day, honor guards from across the State of Nebraska stood before the candle in shifts. 

Thank you to everyone who tuned into our live stream Memorial Day Observance!


Enjoy a condensed version of the Memorial Day observance with clips from all 24 honor guards and the lighting and extinguishing of the candle. 




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Nebraska's Memorial Day Observance 2020