Veterans Crisis Line: dial 988 then press 1
Official Nebraska Veterans' Affairs Seal

Nebraska Department of Veterans' Affairs

Veterans' Homes Board

For the purpose of determining continued eligibility of members to remain in one of the Nebraska veterans' homes and for the purpose of recommending matters of policy, rules and regulations, administration, and maintenance pertaining to each of the Nebraska veterans homes, the Veterans' Homes Board is established.  (NE State Statute 80-318)

The board shall review all applications submitted for admission to the Nebraska veterans homes system and shall make all final determinations regarding admission, or continued admission, to one of the homes. (NE State Statute 80-319)

Greg Holloway - Chairman, Vietnam Veterans of America

Dennis Schissel, Vietnam Veterans of America

Tom McBride, Military Order of the Purple Heart

Mike Sheets, Military Order of the Purple Heart

Eric Martin, American Legion

William Crosier, American Legion

Deborah Wehrli, AMVETS

Bernie Brosnihan, AMVETS

Jim Shuey, Disabled American Veterans

Danny Reese, Disabled American Veterans

David Ossian, Marine Corps League

Tom Brown, Marine Corps League

Dave Nelson, Paralyzed Veterans of America

Will Leavitt, Paralyzed Veterans of America

Dan Kramer, Veterans of Foreign Wars

John Liebsack, Veterans of Foreign Wars

John Hilgert - Secretary (non-voting)

Nebraska Department of Veterans' Affairs

Mail correspondence to:
NDVA Veterans' Home Board
PO Box 95083
Lincoln NE 68509