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Official Nebraska Veterans' Affairs Seal

Nebraska Department of Veterans' Affairs

DD-214 Online Request

Please Note: If you have requested a DD-214 through our submission system and have not received a response after 2 business days, please contact the Nebraska Department of Veterans' Affairs by emailing or calling (402) 471-2458. Thank you.

Our agency has approximately 700,000 discharges of Nebraska veterans on microfilm. If a veteran entered from and returned to Nebraska upon separation from military service, a copy of the discharge may be on file in our agency. Documents previously filed with the Selective Service System and National Guard were referred to the U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs. Since October 1, 1979, if requested by the service member, Military Separation Centers have sent a copy of the Certificate of Release or Discharge from active duty (DD form 214) to our agency.

To see if your discharge is on file with NDVA, please submit a search request using the form below. You can also contact your County Veterans Service Officer if you have previously filed a copy of your discharge with the county.

Copies of discharges may also be requested from the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis by completing a Standard Form-180 or submitting an online request by visiting

The Department of Defense Form 214 (DD-214) is an official government document and as such, may only be released to the following individuals or organizations:

  1. Government agencies and recognized Veteran Service Organizations (for official use only);
  2. Veterans requesting their own DD-214 (must show proof of identification in person or provide a notarized letter with a mailing address before the documents will be released);
  3. Individuals that demonstrate a legal relationship to the veteran such as an attorney or guardian;
  4. Family members of deceased veterans (Relationship must be established ex. death certificate);
  5. Family members for genealogy purposes (Relationship may need to be established; DD 214 information may be redacted;
  6. Third party requests (funeral homes, mortgage lenders, employers, etc.) must be arranged through a County Veterans Service Officer (CVSO) to receive a copy.

*NDVA will only certify DD-214s that were received from an official source, such as the Department of Defense, and reserves the right to deny any request for a DD-214.

Questions? Call 402-471-2458


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