Veterans Crisis Line: dial 988 then press 1
Official Nebraska Veterans' Affairs Seal

Nebraska Department of Veterans' Affairs


Additional Resources

Legislative Issues — NDVA tracks military and veterans-related legislation during each legislative session. Learn more about bills that have been introduced during the session and their current status and find archived information from years past.

Nebraska's Fallen — NDVA honors Nebraskans who have lost their lives in service to our country since 2003 with a commemorative page on our website.

Resources for Military Families and Caregivers — We've gathered a collection of state and federal resources for veterans' spouses, dependents, and caregivers.

Suicide Prevention Resources — Find a wide variety of resources and support related to veteran suicide prevention. 

Veterans Guide to Disability Claims and Appeals — Navigating the disability claims and appeals process can feel like an overwhelming task. NDVA created this guide to help veterans and family members better understand disability compensation and pension claims submitted to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.

Vets Get Pets — NDVA will provide up to $350 to cover a veteran's rescue pet adoption fees!