Various health benefits and services are available to veterans. These services range from health care for veterans, spouses, and dependents, to information on disability claims and compensation.
Various health benefits and services are available to veterans. These services range from health care for veterans, spouses, and dependents, to information on disability claims and compensation.
Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center — DVBIC is part of the U.S. Military Health System and promotes state-of-the-art science care from point-of-injury to reintegration for service members, veterans, and their families to prevent and mitigate consequences of mild to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).
LFS Veteran Services — Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska offers Veterans Services programs, which provide confidential, individualized counseling services for active military personnel, veterans and their loved ones regardless of ability to pay.
NAMI Homefront — NAMI Homefront is a free, six-session class for family, friends, and significant others of Military Service Members and Veterans. Topics covered include mental health, communication, handling crises, treatment, and recovery.
Nebraska Veteran and Family Task Force — Nebraska Veteran and Family Task Force is a unique, grassroots collaboration of cross-sector partners that meet bi-monthly to coordinate efforts for strategic impact in serving and supporting veterans and their families
NDVA Guide to Disability Claims and Appeals — Our guide to Disability Claims and Appeals provides an overview of USVA compensation and pension benefits and guidance on claims and the appeal process.
Nebraska State Veterans Homes — Our four state veteran’s homes are part of the Nebraska Hospice-Veteran Partnership and offer hospice/palliative care for members facing end of life.
Nebraska Veterans Aid — Nebraska Veterans Aid provides temporary emergency funds to veterans, their spouses, and dependents when an emergency occurs disrupting their normal method of living and when other resources are not immediately available.
TRICARE — TRICARE (formerly CHAMPUS) is a health care program of the United States Department of Defense Military Health System. It provides civilian health benefits for US Armed Forces military personnel, military retirees, and their dependents, including some members of the Reserve Component.
Federal Disability Compensation — VA disability compensation pay offers a monthly tax-free payment to veterans who get sick or injured while serving in the military and to veterans whose service made an existing condition worse
VA Nebraska – Western Iowa Health Care System — The VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System provides healthcare services to veterans in Nebraska, Western Iowa, and portions of Kansas and Missouri.
VALife — Veterans Affairs Life Insurance (VALife) provides low-cost coverage to veterans with service-connected disabilities. Veterans can get up to $40,000 in whole life insurance coverage and coverage starts 2 years after you apply.
VGLI — VGLI provides for the conversion of service members’ group life insurance coverage to a renewable term policy of insurance protection after a service member’s separation from service.
Vet Centers (Readjustment Counseling) — Vet Centers are community-based counseling centers that provide a wide range of social and psychological services, including professional readjustment counseling to eligible Veterans, active duty service members, including National Guard and Reserve components, and their families.
Veterans Resource Network — Veterans Resource Network is an organization serving Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa whose primary objective is to bring veterans, families, and the community together through outreach, peer support, and education.