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Nebraska Department of Veterans' Affairs

Korean War Veterans Armistice Day

Ambassador for Peace Medal photosAmbassador for Peace Medals

The Korean Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs in South Korea has created the Ambassador for Peace medal to honor and thank Korean War Veterans for their service to the Republic of Korea. Veterans from Nebraska who meet the eligibility requirements listed below can submit their applications to the Korean Consulate in Chicago. Applications are accepted all year, but are only reviewed in August and December. Please note: NDVA is not involved in reviewing applications or administering this medal.


To be eligible for the medal, you must have either:

  • Served in Korea at some time between June 25th, 1950, to July 27th, 1953, -or-
  • Participated in UN peacekeeping operations in Korea before January 1st, 1956

The medal can also be awarded posthumously to immediate family members of a deceased Korean War Veteran who meets the eligibility requirements. 


Send your completed form to:

South Korean Consulate General in Chicago (Dept. of KWV)
NBC Tower Suite 2700 
455 North City Front Plaza Dr. 
Chicago, IL 60611

For veterans in states other than Nebraska, please contact your state's Veterans' Affairs agency to learn about obtaining a medal.

Previous Observances


On July 27, 2023, Governor Jim Pillen recognized veterans of the Korean War with a signed proclamation and the presentation of challenge coins. He was joined by Nebraska Department of Veterans’ Affairs Director John Hilgert, Nebraska National Guard Adjutant General Craig W. Strong, and Nebraska Chapter President Dan Ryberg of the Korean War Veterans Association.




View photos from our 2020 Proclamation Ceremony with Governor Ricketts.

Korean War Veterans Armistice Day 2020 and NDVA Announcements



View photos from our 2019 Proclamation Ceremony with Governor Ricketts.

2019 Korean War Veterans Day



In 2018, over 300 Nebraskans attended a ceremony to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the Korean Armistice Agreement. Governor Ricketts, Deputy Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Chicago Donghan Yang, and Nebraska Department of Veterans' Affairs Director John Hilgert presented Ambassador for Peace medals to veterans, surviving spouses, and family members. View video and photos from that day below.

Korean War Veterans Armistice Day 2018


Honoring Our Members

For Korean War Veterans Armistice Day 2020, the Nebraska Department of Veterans' Affairs wanted to highlight Korean War Era veterans living in our four veterans' homes. Many provided photographs, and some chose to share stories of their times in service with us. These photos and stories are available to view below.

Marvin Danielson old photo with medals  Marvin Danielson holding case with photo and medals  Photo of Marvin Danielson with Dates of Service and medals received listed

Marvin Danielson, member at Eastern Nebraska Veterans' Home

Martin Walter holding case of old photographs

Martin Walter, member at Western Nebraska Veterans' Home

Herb Meisner with photo album

Herb Meisner, member at Western Nebraska Veterans' Home

Kyle Lantz with Korean War Veteran license plate pointing at photo of ship  Kyle Lantz sitting on bed with US Navy blanket

Kyle Lantz, member at Central Nebraska Veterans' Home

Franklin Rosendahl Portrait Photo  Group photo with Franklin Rosendahl

Franklin Rosendahl, member at Eastern Nebraska Veterans' Home

Bill West holding photos

Bill West, member at Western Nebraska Veterans' Home

Ronald Dutton holding photos

Ronald Dutton, member at Western Nebraska Veterans' Home

Milton Christensen (middle), member at Eastern Nebraska Veterans' Home

Dallas White holding Ambassador for Peace medal

Dallas White, member at Western Nebraska Veterans' Home

Harold Schillereff holding Ambassador for Peace medal and photographs

Harold Schillereff, member at Western Nebraska Veterans' Home

Dean Rosberg in front of shadow box  Dean Rosberg naval crew

Dean Rosberg, member at Central Nebraska Veterans' Home

william in airplane  William Latka giving thumbs up old photo in service

William Latka Jr., member at Eastern Nebraska Veterans' Home


Jack Merrill, member at Central Nebraska Veterans' Home

Richard Harald working in the military  portrait of Richard Harald  Richard receiving certificate from Korean Government

Richard pictured with fellow servicemember  Richard holding certificate from Korean government

Richard Harald, member at Eastern Nebraska Veterans' Home


Dale Suntych, member at Central Nebraska Veterans' Home

Arley Engelsgaard with wife

Arley Engelsgaard, member at Western Nebraska Veterans' Home


Paul Osborn, member at Central Nebraska Veterans' Home

Richard Schaneman pictured with photograph of self in military  Richard Schaneman holding Ambassador for Peace medal

Richard Schaneman, member at Western Nebraska Veterans' Home

Robert Ingram service photo  Robert Ingram in front of shadow box at CNVH  Robert Ingram parachuting

Robert Ingram, member at Central Nebraska Veterans' Home