Wed & Fri (9:30am-12:00pm, 1:00-3:00pm); Provides Emergency Services: motel vouchers, utility and rental assistance.
Provides Emergency Services: Utility and rental assistance and motel vouchers.
SSVF provides qualified Veterans with case management, rent/utility deposits, rent/utility assistance, emergency supplies, transportation, small care repairs, gas vouchers, moving costs and emergency housing assistance to very low-income single veterans and families at risk of homelessness or literally homeless.
NHAP provides housing assistance to individuals and families who are literally homeless or facing eviction and meet income guidelines; security deposits, rental assistance, utility deposits, utility payments, budgeting, advocacy and referrals.
Public Housing Units (Family & Elderly +65); Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8); income based and low market rental units
(Office hours are: 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month from 9:30am-1:30pm); Provides Emergency Services: motel vouchers, utility and rental assistance.
HUD/VASH Program - provides housing vouchers to low income, disabled and chronically homeless single Veterans and Veteran families.
Housing Assistance Rental Transition (HART) Program (bridges gap to long-term stable housing to prevent homelessness); meet program eligibility requirements for mental illness and/or substance abuse.
Provides short term rental assistance.