Provides housing assistance to low income elderly, disabled and families through the management of low rent public housing and Section 8 Housing Choice vouchers.
Provides Family Development Services: community response; emergency rent and utility assistance, and senior enrichment activities and support. Food and Nutrition Services: Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Bellevue food pantry and community garden.
Provides housing assistance to low income elderly, disabled and families through the management of low rent public housing and Section 8 Housing Choice vouchers.
Provides housing assistance to low income elderly, disabled and families through the management of low rent public housing and Section 8 Housing Choice vouchers.
Provides basic needs funding to assist individuals at risk of homelessness with one-time payment of rent or utilities, emergency food
SSVF provides qualified Veterans with case management, rent/utility deposits, rent/utility assistance, emergency supplies, transportation, small care repairs, gas vouchers, moving costs and emergency housing assistance to very low-income single veterans and families at risk of homelessness or literally homeless.
Provides housing assistance to individuals and families who are literally homeless or facing eviction and meet income guidelines; security deposits, rental assistance, utility deposits, utility payments, budgeting, advocacy and referral.
Provides veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness access to community-based services to promote permanent housing, health and mental health care, career development and access to VA and non-VA benefits.