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Nebraska Department of Veterans' Affairs

Lethal Means Safety

Nebraska Firearm Storage Map



Thank you for visiting! The Gun Safe Storage Map of Nebraska is currently under construction to identify additional storage locations. Know of one? Interested in building a location in your community? Please reach out:



Reducing Access to Lethal Means

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, firearms are used in half of all suicides in the U.S. Reducing access to firearms when someone is at risk of suicide can help prevent suicide deaths because of the relative short time preceding many suicide attempts and the high lethality of firearm attempts compared to other methods. Putting time and space between a person at risk and the most lethal method can create a safer environment while suicidal feelings pass and the person at risk gets help. Reducing access to lethal means during times of suicide risk is an evidence-based approach to suicide prevention recommended by numerous national organizations.

About Nebraska Gun Storage Options

This map was developed to help persons seeking local option for temporary, voluntary firearm storage. As a part of the Governor's Challenge to increase lethal means safety and safety planning, NDVA, DHHS, SAMHSA, companies, and non-profits have teamed together to create a safe storage map to identify safe and voluntary gun storage and clear, legal parameters for the persons, family, and organizations providing safe storage.

Out-of-home gun storage can be especially helpful to persons in crisis and/or at risk for suicide. As of the winter of 2024, the businesses and law enforcement agencies listed on this map are willing to consider requests for temporary, voluntary gun storage.

If you're looking for temporary gun storage, we encourage you to contact the listed business and law enforcement agencies for further information. 

Why do gun owners sometimes store firearms away from the home?

  • They are traveling out of state and want to keep firearms secure while they are away
  • A teenager in the home is in crisis and at risk for suicide
  • The grandkids are visiting for a week
  • A couple is divorcing and arguments are getting heated
  • A family member is experiencing mental health or substance use concerns
  • The homeowner is listing the home for sale and wants firearms to be secure while showings occur

Gun owners can lead the way on safety. The National Shooting Sports Foundation recommends temporary off-site storage for firearms when you are concern about a loved one. 

Voluntary vs. Court-Ordered Storage

Voluntary firearm storage is different from removal of firearms required by Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) or “Red Flag Laws”. With ERPOs, a person who a court rules is at high risk of harming themselves or others must relinquish all firearms and may not purchase any until the ERPO expires. In voluntary storage, a firearm owner and his/her family chooses to temporarily store firearms away from home, with no official involvement of a court or law enforcement officials (unless law enforcement provides the storage). Voluntary approaches are generally preferred by firearm owners, with ERPOs an option if other efforts fail.

Where can guns be stored?

Many places store guns: gun shops, shooting ranges, police departments, and special storage facilities. Pawn shops and self-storage units may also provide storage. View the map above to find some options in your area. Guns may also be loaned to a relative as long as the person isn't prohibited by law from having a gun. Loans to friends are also okay; for a non-relative, loans more than 72 hours require a background check (usually at a gun shop).

When I'm looking for storage options, what questions should I ask?

Before taking your firearms to a storage location, you should first ask about:

  • the process for storing
  • any costs
  • whether a background check will be conducted
  • any limits on how long guns can be stored

Many retailers consider offering storage on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out to them ahead of time to discuss whether they can accommodate your request.

Do not open carry firearms into a police station - always call in advance. Lock firearms in a case or leave them locked in your vehicle while making arrangements with law enforcement. Some locations provide pick-up services; you may inquire about that when you call. 

Do you know of storage options that aren't on the map? Please reach out:

Leah Hosseinabad
Behavioral Health Program Manager


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